Legal solutions to real problems.

Services to individuals and companies.

Girolex Group, legal space

We are a law firm, advisors and mediators specialized in matters and in continuous training to offer you effective services adapted to your needs.

Close and direct contact with the client

With experience and professionalism

Comprehensive services for individuals and companies

Areas of action

We offer a comprehensive service to individuals and companies so that, with a single office, all your needs are covered.

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We add value to your business and contribute to its growth.

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Real estate

We will cooperate with you to ensure the success of your claim.

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Family and successions

We add value to your business and contribute to its growth.

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Leave your problems in our hands and relax, we will take care of them for you.

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Our work philosophy is based on a close and direct relationship with the client within the framework of mutual trust, dedication and professionalism.

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C/ Riu Güell, 4 baixos B
17001 Girona
Phone. (+34) 872 220 023


from Monday to Thursday
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.



C/ Anselm Clavé, 80
17300 Blanes
It is necessary to request an appointment
Phone. (+34) 872 220 023

Can we help you?


     He llegit i accepto l'Avís legal


    We are a guarantee of transparency, sincerity and commitment.

    vulputate, luctus Praesent porta. venenatis, vel, eget commodo elit. ut felis